Monday, November 2, 2020

Addison Turns 1

November has just begun, and it's sure to be a busy month for the Duggar family. With six birthdays, three of which are for Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's kids and three of which are for grandchildren, there will be a lot of excitement. 

And don't forget the anniversaries! Jessa and Ben Seewald celebrated six years yesterday, and the Vuolos and John and Abbie have their anniversaries coming up this week.

For now, let's wish Addison Duggar a fun-filled first birthday. She will soon be the middle child, and while Joe and Kendra haven't yet announced Baby #3's gender, we know you all are hoping to hear the news soon.

Joseph Duggar and Addison Duggar
Christmas 2019

Kendra Duggar and Addison Duggar
March 2020

Photos courtesy;


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