Tuesday, December 17, 2019

'Grandma Duggar Remembered' Recap

Counting On "Grandma Duggar Remembered"
  • It’s the day of the pregnancy photo shoot. Jana and Grandma, as well as a couple stylists, are helping the ladies get ready. Anna, Kendra, Lauren, and Joy are expecting, while Jessa has week-old Ivy. “She’s pretty happy, so I’m thankful,” says Jessa of her daughter.  
  • Abbie is hoping to feel well enough to announce her pregnancy by joining the photo shoot. “…I just prayed and just said, ‘Lord, if you want me at this photo shoot, you’re going to have to get me off this couch,’” says Abbie.
  • When Jana drives up and Abbie gets out of the car, the girls all scream. Michelle helps her walk over to the couch, as she is still feeling very nauseous.
  • “Six grandbabies in one year is a good start, but the more children that are married, I wouldn’t be surprised if there could be like twelve grandbabies in one years,” says Michelle. “My guess is, this is just the beginning.”
  • In Laredo, Jinger and Jeremy are packing up their moving truck, with help from church friends who own a moving company. The moving truck will leave the next day, but the Vuolos plan to stay through the weekend for one last service with their congregation. “We’ve had many amazing memories in this home,” says Jinger.
  • “Honestly, we thought we’d be here for many years and didn’t really foresee leaving,” adds Jeremy. “As excited as we are to move to Los Angeles, we’re definitely going to have a bit of sadness as we leave the house here and say goodbye to Laredo.”
  • On June 9, the Vuolos are still in Laredo but are no longer in their house, as it has been completely emptied out. They receive a call that Grandma Mary Duggar has passed away. The Vuolos were planning to make the 20-hour drive to LA over a period of days, but they are now headed to Arkansas.
  • “Sunday morning, my mom came over to our house,” shares Jim Bob. “She wanted to fix us breakfast, and then she said she wanted to go to church with us, and so she ended up hoping in the car with Jana and a bunch of the kids and headed over to church. And then she came home, she wanted to sit out by the pool. And a lot of times, she would go and put her feet in the water and just kind of rest and relax out by the pool. She’d had a couple of strokes a few months ago, and so her health was a little fragile.”
  • “We really feel, believe, that most likely this was another stroke and that she just fell…and happened to be near the pool and fell into the pool after the impact of a hit and scrape and fall,” says Michelle. “And so I’m thankful for Mary’s sake that it was quick, and I pray that there wasn’t a lot of suffering in that.  
  • “It was just a shock,” says Jana. “We were just at church. I had driven her there and spent the morning with her…”
  • “I think overall, our family is doing pretty well,” says Jim Bob. “We truly believe that when a Christian dies that they go to heaven, which is a wonderful place.”
  • After the Vuolos arrive in Arkansas, Michelle and Jinger sit down with the funeral director to discuss Mary’s celebration of life.
  • “With Grandma passing, it’s definitely brought our family together,” says Michelle. “I have waves of emotions, and it just hits me when I least expect it. I think I go through days where I’ve really got it pulled together, and then other times, I just can’t pull it together. I was very close with Grandma Duggar. I probably talked to her and probably even saw her about every day.” Michelle lost her mom years ago, and Mary has always been there for her.
  • “Grandma was not only our grandmother, but she was also a dear friend to each one of us,” says Jessa. “It didn’t matter who you were, she was Grandma to you. That’s most often how she would introduce herself. She’d say, ‘Hi, I’m Grandma.’ She took a genuine interest in people. She would converse with you in a way that made you feel special and loved and cared about.”
  • Mary’s family gets together for a viewing and celebration of life the day before the funeral. Many people speak and share memories. Joseph stands up to talk but can’t because he is crying too hard. Jeremiah gives him a hug, and then Kendra comes up to hold him while he composes himself. He tells the guests that he is reminded of Grandma every time he comes home to the house where he and Kendra live, which used to be Grandma’s house.
  • The next day, Kendra’s father, Pastor Caldwell leads the family in prayer before the funeral. At the end of the service, Mary’s loved ones are able to say their last goodbyes before the casket is closed and taken to the graveside, where Jeremy says a few words.
  • The following day, the Vuolos say farewell to the family and head out to LA. “It’s really a little sad seeing Jinger and Jeremy leave, but it’s party of life,” says Jim Bob. “Our kids grow up and start their own families, and they’re not all going to just say right here.”

The rest of the season 10 finale features Addison and Bella's birth specials (links to recaps are below).

Addison Duggar Delivery
Bella Duggar Delivery

source http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2019/12/grandma-duggar-remembered-recap.html

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