Tuesday, November 5, 2019

'Kendra's Got a Secret' Recap

Counting On "Kendra's Got a Secret"

  • Kendra has just taken a pregnancy test and found out that she’s expecting Baby #2. “I just couldn’t believe it,” says the expectant mom. She puts a sticker at the bottom of an ice cream bowl that says “Baby Coming Soon” and covers it with edible glue.
  • Garrett is eight months old and is crawling and growing teeth. “Sometimes I have these moments where I’m just like, ‘Wow, I’m really an adult and a mom,’” says Kendra. “And it’s just crazy because I still feel like I’m young…”
  • Joseph has been employed at the Duggar car lot for a few years, where he fixes up cars and works as a salesman. Joe returns home, and the family of three sits down to eat. “During the dinner, it was hard for me to stay calm,” says Kendra. She puts ice cream in the bowl and serves it to Joe. At first, he thinks there’s a piece of grass in his dessert. When Joseph reads the message, he smiles and gives Kendra a hug.
  • Jessa is in full-on nesting mode and has been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing at the house. Jedidiah, James, Jason, and Justin come over to install a double door and a deck off the master bedroom so the Seewalds can access their large backyard.
  • Jason is heading up the project because he has already done two house renovations. “Normally on construction side, I’ll do what Jason says, unless I think I got a better idea,” says Jedidiah. “He’s still a little younger than me, but overall, more than not, he’s right.”
  • At OP Schnabel Park in San Antonio, Jeremy drops Jinger and Felicity off at a stroller fitness class for moms called Stroller Stride.
  • “I think that there can be a lot of pressure on moms to do and be everything, but it’s just not realistic,” says Jinger. “That’s what’s nice about coming together with other moms, and you can see, just the reality of what that looks like and bearing with one another in those struggles and challenges.”
  • “So the years when we were up with babies, we thought, ‘Oh, we’re going to get through this phase, and we’ll get more sleep,’” says Michelle. “Well, it just changes, and you’re still not getting the sleep, and that’s okay. It’s a good reason to lose sleep.” Jim Bob and Michelle always make themselves available when their kids want to talk, even if it’s late at night.
  • Jessa and Ben take Henry, who has just turned two, to an ENT to discuss his speech delays. The Seewalds say that Henry is not able to talk and communicate well. He had a tongue tie clipped when he was born, and they are wondering if that has anything to do with it. The doctor determines that Henry’s hearing is perfect and recommends that he sees a speech pathologist.
  • Meanwhile, Spurgeon stays at the house with the boys to work on the deck. “Spurgeon loves to spend time with his uncles,” says Jessa. “I trust them. I mean, Spurgeon’s three, so it’s not like he’s a newborn. I would probably be a little more worried to leave a newborn. But Spurgeon can fend for himself in a lot of ways.”
  • While the guys are working outside, Spurgeon sneaks into the house and eats two ice cream sandwiches. Pretty soon after that, Spurgeon informs the guys that he has a poopy diaper. The Seewalds are only five minutes away, and Spurgeon says he can wait. “Toddler diapers are especially disgusting, so I would not expect the boys to change him,” says Jessa.
  • The deck is finished in just two days and looks great. Jana comes over to help Jessa set up for her gender guessing party. The Duggars all pile into Jessa and Ben’s house and are able to ask Jessa questions about her pregnancy. Then, they make their guesses. Jessa tells the family that they are waiting to reveal the gender until the baby is born, but she opens up the floor for other announcements. Joe and Kendra inform everyone that they are expecting. “I have a feeling it’s going to be a busy year, Mama,” Jim Bob says to Michelle.

source http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2019/11/kendras-got-secret-recap.html

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