Tuesday, November 19, 2019

'Baby Number Two...But Who?' Recap

Counting On "Baby Number Two...But Who?"

  • In Laredo, Jeremy sets up a canvas and paint on the porch and lets Felicity go wild to create a Mother’s Day gift for Jinger. Felicity gets paint all over herself, even on her mouth. “This is the newest things in modern art,” says Jeremy. “It’s called body art.”
  • Meanwhile, a speech pathologist friend stops by the Seewalds’ house to evaluate Henry’s speech. “There are definitely times where I just think, ‘Am I doing something wrong as a mom?’” admits Jessa.
  • “…I’m thankful there’s experts,” says Jim Bob. “And they can help us get through those challenges and be able to help our children thrive,” adds Michelle.
  • Henry is two years old and only has a few words. “I would say, when Henry can’t express what he wants and he just screams, in hopes that we will realize what he wants, that can really be draining to us as parents,” says Ben. “That’s a time when maybe you have to go in the other room, step out of the room for a minute, pray for patience. It’s easier said than done sometimes, but that’s what we shoot for.”
  • The speech pathologist determines that Henry is in the sixth percentile with his speech. She recommends that they wait another four to six weeks to see how many words Henry picks up.
  • Before the Vuolos make their big move to Los Angeles, Joseph, Kendra, and Garrett travel to Laredo for a visit for the first time. The goal is to get the house ready to put on the market. The guys do some small repairs, while the ladies organize and set aside items to sell or donate.
  • Out of the married Duggars, which ones are packrats, and which ones like to let things go?
  • Michelle: “I like to let things go. It gives me energy to let things go.”
  • Jim Bob: “I enjoy hanging onto things and collecting them. I’m a collector.”
  • Joseph: “I like to accumulate. I’m not hoarding. I’m just accumulating.”
  • Josiah: “Lauren is a minimalist. I’m very much like, ‘There’s space, let’s fill it.’”
  • Kendra, who is pregnant with her second child, asks Jinger if she and Jeremy are planning to have another child. Jinger says that she gets that question a lot from the Duggars. “Definitely in any other family, if someone asks you, ‘Are you expecting?’ it could be taken as offensive…but in our family, it’s just a given,” says Jinger.
  • As a thank you, the Vuolos take Joe and Kendra and Garrett to Border Foundry, their favorite restaurant. Everyone dresses up for the occasion. “As a mom…I’m always worried that [Garrett] is going to disrupt the peace,” says Kendra.
  • Neither the Duggars nor the Caldwells have much experience eating at fancy restaurants. “I thought fine dining was, instead of going through the drive-thru, you go inside,” says Jeremiah. “That’s fine, right there,” agrees Jedidiah.
  • The owner has a waiter bring out appetizers on the house. Everyone enjoys the fried frog legs, knowing what they are. Next, the couples eat grasshopper without knowing what it is. It isn’t too bad, but none of them are eager to eat it again.
  • At the Duggar home, the younger kids are taking on new chores as the older ones are away from the home at their respective jobs. “It feels more busy, and sometimes chaotic, getting more responsibilities,” says Johannah.
  • The Duggars have a few cows, as well as ducks, chickens, rabbits, cats, and dogs. One of the Duggars’ cows had a calf, named Paco. Sadly, the mother cow passed away. As a homeschool project, Michelle and Anna, who recently told the family that she is pregnant, show the kids how to care for Paco.
  • Later, it’s family night at the Duggar house. After dinner, everyone sits down to paint while watching a tutorial by Clive5Art. In the middle of the painting class, Joy and Austin put their pregnancy announcement picture up on the screen. It takes a few moments for people to see it. “My dad did not look at the screen right away because he wasn’t even following the instructions,” says Joy. “He was just painting whatever he wanted.” As always, the family is excited.

source http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2019/11/baby-number-twobut-who-recap.html

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